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Jo's practice-based PhD research investigated and discovered new methods of creating and controlling precision air entrapment in kiln-formed glass. The techniques developed during her research were the first in the world to enable control of complex air bubbles with accuracy and detail using kiln and digital technologies. Her thesis 'Precision Air Entrapment through Digital and Kiln Technologies: A New Technique in Glass Art' can be downloaded here

The research generated unprecedented interest beyond the field of art practice. Jo has subsequently collaborated with researchers in Earth Sciences at Durham University and the research has led to further understandings in Volcanology and Art Glass. Co-authored multidisciplinary research papers have been published in the Earth Sciences Journal Volcanica as well as the Journal of the American Ceramic Society. and collaborative research presented at the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG) Conference 2022. Links to published research papers can be found here.

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